How barcodes can be used to effectively market a business

There are now so many different ways to make use of barcode labels in a wide range of industries. In fact technology such as Quick Response codes are being used by businesses as part of their strategic marketing plans.

Promoting a company using barcode labels like the QR squares or 2D barcodes as they are also referred to is becoming quite common these days.

In fact when you go to the shops you can often see this type of barcode attached to product tags in things such as newspapers and magazines. And by using the right kind of software, a mobile phone camera can be used to scan the code (as long as the phone is web-enabled) and this usually allows the user to access a particular website or view web pages.

Working a bit like a hyperlink, this barcode technology is yet another way to market a business and reach out to new customers. It can open up a world of possibilities to a firm, just like how asset tags have proved invaluable at ensuring their equipment and other assets are well protected against loss or theft in and around the workplace.

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