Labels can be used for a range of purposes by a business, and one of the primary reasons may include security. It can be extremely important for a company to clearly mark that they own particular items of equipment, particularly if such equipment is to be used off-site, or in a work area used by a number of different businesses.
Security tags can be used to label equipment, combined with either tracking details for asset tracking or company logos for branding purposes.
The design of security labels can fall into two main categories. Firstly security labels can be produced from a self-destructive vinyl, meaning that if someone attempts to remove the label, it will split apart, so that the label cannot be removed as a whole. Secondly, labels can be designed so that once the label is removed from the item it will leave the word void across the product.
Use of such security labels can be reassuring for a company, and help to minimise the occurrence of missing or damaged equipment. By using appropriately designed labels, the security element can be incorporated into asset tracking and company branding purposes.