A new study reveals that 1 in 3 men don’t read nutritional labels on food because they don’t understand them

A new study conducted by the National University of Ireland in Galway has found that 1 in 3 men do not read the nutritional labels on food because they do not understand them. While 95% of women look at food labels often, just 65% of men regularly look at the nutritional labels on food.

While this information can be hard to understand, experts have warned that ignoring the nutritional information on food packaging is leading to the obesity problem facing the UK. More worryingly, 4 out of 10 people who already have some form of heart disease admit to not checking food labels, while those with high cholesterol also ignore labelling.

The research also found in some cases that more than 80% of people struggled to make sense of labelling and struggled to figure out whether the food was high or low in sugar or fat.

Participants were asked about how often they read nutritional labels found on food packaging, and the results found that 35% of men never read the labels, compared to just 5% of women. Participants also stated that they were more able to understand the traffic light system, a colour coded nutritional guide which quickly tells consumers how much fat, sugar and calories there are in a product.

Although the traffic light system is easier for many to understand, it is not a mandatory system and manufacturers can choose to display the nutritional information however they want. There are now calls for food labels to be improved in order to increase public health and to advise consumers on the types of food they are eating.

What do you think? Are you confused be food labelling? Leave your comments below.

Why it’s important to design packaging with Millennials in mind

Millennials have now overtaken baby boomers as the largest generation and now represents a consumer base with immense buying power, so when designing packaging, it is more important than ever to keep millennials and their values in mind.

Millennials spend up to 18 hours a day consuming media content, whether it is online, TV or radio and their access to information at the touch of a button, while being bombarded with scrolling pictures on social media, streaming videos and digital adverts now means that the average attention span has diminished to just 5 seconds, so gaining their attention is key to promoting your brand.

Because of this constant bombardment, millennials are now very selective in what grabs their attention, meaning that packaging design has had to follow suit by providing relevant information about a product, appeal to the consumer and fit in with their values.

Here we will talk about some of the design features that your brand should be looking at when creating packaging for this modern era of consumerism.

Emotional Connections and Brand Loyalty

According to research conducted by Forbes, over 60% of Millennials state that they are loyal to specific brands because they develop an emotional connection to the brand. Some of the things that millennials look for in a brand or product are; does the brand fit in with my lifestyle, what does this brand say about me as an individual and how easy is it to access the brand.

Once a brand has created that emotional connection, millennials are more likely to become loyal to that brand and become unofficial brand ambassadors, telling their friends and family about them and in turn helping to promote the brand.

Packaging and Technology

In addition to creating products that fit in with millennials lifestyles, the packaging that it comes in also needs to be engaging. Many companies and brands are now utilising technology on their packaging such as QR codes that can be scanned with a smartphone to display additional information about a product, advertise additional products and tell users about special offers.

As stated above, Millennials have shorter attention spans due to being bombarded with content throughout the day and are less likely to be drawn to advertising than previous generations. This means that packaging designers have had to learn to display a products benefits and unique selling points in one glance, making the design, colours and text more important than ever.

New project sees homeless people given barcodes to accept cashless payments

A new project, backed by Oxford University is giving homeless people barcodes to wear around necks to increase donations as Britain moves further towards a cashless society. The initiative, called Greater Change gives homeless people laminated labels, similar to those found on online tickets.

Those who wish to donate money, but do not have any change on them can scan the code on their smartphone and make an online payment to the person. The money is collected in an account and is managed by a case worker who makes sure that the money is spent on agreed targets such as saving for a rent deposit.

The founder of Greater Change, Alex McCallion told the BBC, “The problem we’re trying to solve here is that we live in an increasingly cashless society and as well as this when people give they worry about what this money might be spent on,”

Adding, “So the solution we’ve come up with is a giving mechanism through your smart phone with a restrictive fund.”

When the barcode is scanned by a smartphone, a profile of the homeless person is shown; this tells the potential donator information about the person, including how they came to be homeless and what jobs they used to do.

The project is currently being trailed in Oxford

The Big Issue Magazine stated that as Britain moves towards a cashless society that it has contributed to a decline of sales for the magazine. Managing director of the magazine Russell Blackman said earlier this year that they were looking at suppling their vendors with cashless payment terminals.

He said, “It is vital that we develop the right contactless solution for our vendors, ensuring that they can get instant access to their funds, even if they don’t have their own bank account due to a lack of permanent address.”

Hospital patients could soon be tracked using barcodes

Health Secretary, Matt Hancock has vowed to invest £487 million on technology for the Health Service to make it one of the most advanced in the world, including introducing barcode labels and mobile apps to track and monitor patients.

Wristbands etched with barcodes will be used to track patients as they travel through different departments and wards within the hospital, while advanced mobile apps will monitor blood pressure and other vital signs at home, allowing patients to be diagnosed and discharged quicker.

In plans laid out by Mr Hancock, £412 million will be made available to the NHS to update technology and improve patient care in hospitals, while a further £75 million will be available for health trusts to replace existing paper-based systems with electronic systems.

This new comes after surgeons warned that many NHS hospitals still rely on fax machines and 15+ year old computer systems. Mr Hancock in his speech said, “Because we are one NHS, our health system is uniquely placed to become the most advanced health system in the world”

Adding, “The patient safety agenda is important to me and I strongly believe that technology has the power to further enhance safety and improve outcomes for patients.”

Mobile apps are already being trialled at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London, where they are used to discharge patients faster and several trusts are already using barcodes to tack patient’s movements and current location within the hospital.

The Health Secretary believes that technology can not only play a huge part in reducing staff workload, but with ultimately improve patient care.

Smart packaging sector continues to evolve as consumers demand more

Smart food packaging is continuing to evolve at a staggering rate as consumers look to make more informed choices about the food they eat as well as reduce waste, with scientists all over the world working on new and improved packaging.

One of the many recent packaging solutions that has gained traction this year is from London-based company Skipping Rocks Lab which packages its Ohoo! Water in an edible and biodegradable seaweed membrane, which can be eaten or thrown away without harming the environment. The packaging is still in its early stages, but Skipping Rocks Labs is confident that it will be hitting the mass market soon and is dedicated to creating waste-free packaging alternatives.

Many food items available today already carry QR codes, which can be scanned using a smartphone and can tell the consumer extra nutritional information about a product, but what else is going on in the smart packaging sector?

Packaging Design is as innovative as ever!

Consumers are constantly looking for products and packaging that fits into their lifestyles, whether they need something on the go or some handy serving suggestions, consumers appreciate packaging that fits their needs.

We now see a wide range of products in re-sealable packaging or individually wrapped to keep things fresh, but with consumers voicing concerns about sustainability manufacturers have turned to technology to make sure that their packaging can be fully recycled.

Just in the way that technology has made it easier and more secure to pay for items via smart payment methods such as Apple Pay and Contactless, technology is now playing a role in packaging design as manufacturers look to lead the way in tomorrow’s ‘connected’ household.

QR codes are a common way to give consumers additional information about food products, but smart packaging has the ability to go further than that, giving consumers up to date information about quantities left, how fresh the produce is and suggesting recipes based on the products in the vicinity.

Technology Enhances Food Safety

We have already seen some manufacturer’s use smart packaging to enhance food safety by alerting consumers when the contents have spoiled. Tiny sensors are placed on the food that monitor such things as temperature and time, give the consumer up to date information about the product.

As technology improves we can expect to see packaging capable of detecting different types of bacteria to warn consumers about any harmful substances and remind them to cook their food thoroughly before consuming.

From packaging designs which allow products to be stored more easily, to embedded sensors to inform the buyer, smart packaging is set to become ever smarter in the near future.

New GE Appliances smart microwave

Do you even get confused with the array of cooking instructions on your food when using your microwave? Then GE Appliances has you covered. Their new Alexa- powered microwave allow you to scan the bar code on your food, sending it straight to the microwave to cook it perfectly every time.

By using the GE Appliances Kitchen App, users can scan the barcode of the food they want to cook, and the app will send the microwave the exact cooking times and power levels for best cooking results. This will be a relief for those who are easily confused by the variety of power settings and cooking modes that feature on modern microwaves.

The stainless steel GE Smart Countertop Microwave is rated at 900 watts and comes pre-programmed with over 3,000 frozen, refrigerated, and self-stable foods with more being added to the app all the time. The microwave is also Wi-Fi enabled and is compatible with Amazon’s Alexa virtual assistant, meaning that users can turn the microwave on and off, add extra time and change the microwave settings through voice commands.

Christian Taubman, Amazon Smart Home Devices director talked about the new GE Smart Countertop Microwave saying, “We’re excited to work with GE Appliances to continue extending the convenience of Alexa to the kitchen,”

Adding, “We think customers will love the simplicity of hands-free voice control whether popping popcorn or preparing the perfect meal.”

The GE Smart Countertop Microwave Oven is available in the United States now for $139 or $155 if bought with Amazon’s Echo Dot; it is not known when it will be available in the UK.

Scientists make smart labels that change colour, warning when food has gone off

The days of getting food poisoning from spoiled food could be a thing of the past after a team of scientists at Clarkson University, New York created a pioneering paper sensor capable of detecting when food is no longer edible.

With over a million cases of food poisoning reported in the UK each year, this could be the breakthrough the industry and consumers need to help them stay healthy. The paper labels monitor the levels of contaminates, antioxidants and free radicals and change colour when the food is no longer safe to eat.
The team also hopes to develop labels that could identify potentially dangerous bacteria, such as salmonella and E. Coli. Team leader Professor Silvana Andreescu also stated that the sensors could be used for more than just food products, saying that they could be utilised in the cosmetics industry warning consumers when a products is no longer safe to use.

The industry has welcomed this new development in smart labels, which could help to combat food wastage in the UK. Recent figures from the Waste Resources Action Programme (wrap) state that the average household throws away over £700 worth of food each year, and estimates that around half of us throw away food that is still edible due to confusing use-by dates.

The team atClarkson University, New York are still in the testing phase of these sensors and hopes to get them to market in the near future.

RFID technology is becoming more popular across festivals

Developments of RFID (radio frequency identification) technology devices are becoming more popular amongst festivals all around the world. The small devices deliver fast scans of identifications at events and is the perfect source for fewer que times and faster entries for people. They’re the ideal approach towards making festivals a lot easier for festival goers to enjoy.

They’re the ideal size to be attached to wristbands, typically they go unnoticed and isn’t a problem when it comes to the overall comfort. The chips can also be used as a type of payment, at some festivals they enable you to create a digital wallet and permit you to make purchases. The fast reading chip simply allows you to tap and connect, just as like you do with contactless payments.

Going from paper tickets, to e-tickets, to now being able to use your phone as a form of entry. We’ve come along way in the terms of technology moving forward. Most festivals nowadays use this form of method, and people seem to benefit well from it all.

Looking into this further, we carried out a survey which asked people which form of payment method would they prefer to use at festivals?

Paper tickets, fabric wristbands and cash:

  • Generation Z – 20%
  • Millennials – 17%
  • Generation X – 31%
  • Baby boomers – 32%

RFID technology wristband entry and preloaded with cash:

  • Generation Z – 16%
  • Millennials – 18%
  • Generation X – 45%
  • Baby boomers – 21%

Mobile ticket entry, contactless card and smart watch payments:

  • Generation Z – 24%
  • Millennials – 48%
  • Generation X – 18%
  • Baby boomers – 10%

There’s also the security sides of things too, the device is able to identify each individual person upon entry. This is via ticket holders providing a photo for their identification. This will tackle fake ticket problems some festivals receive. We want to be able to reduce the number of fake tickets being sold, as of course it’s a crucial loss for festivals.

Our latest advancements

Top five latest technology advancements for festivals:

  1. Holographic concerts – Performances from past stars such as Michael Jackson have been reborn on stage for fans.
  2. Virtual tours – A simulated festival experience which gives people the opportunity to experience behind the scenes and areas where no one gets to go to.
  3. Meet and greet – Some festivals offer a simple touch of one another’s wristband to stay in touch together, via Facebook or other social media.
  4. Doppler Labs Here Active Listening – These customise what the wearer can hear at the concert, such as reducing chatter around them to amplifying bass of a set.
  5. Power Banks swaps – These allow people to keep their devices powered, just use a power bank and when it runs out swap it for a full one. EE are spearheading this which allows people to keep sharing on social media and still use contactless on their devices.

As you can see, our overall festival experience is becoming easier and easier, thanks to technology moving forward. The RFID chips enable faster ques, contactless payment options and a complete improvement on the security of tickets.

Security Labels – keeping your company’s assets safe

Security labels can be used in a wide range of different situations, such as anti-theft and anti-counterfeit labels, genuine product seals and for asset protection. Police forces also use them to secure evidence bags and forensic samples to protect against tampering.

Here at DataLabel we specialise in a wide range of security labels from void and tamper evident labels to custom and bespoke security labels; here are some of the labels we offer:

Void Polyester Labels
Our void polyester labels are made with a special combination of coatings and laminates making it hard to remove but cannot be repositioned undetected. These double layered labels show the word void when they have been tampered with meaning that you can easily see when something is wrong.
These types of labels are commonly used by manufacturers as warranty stickers, but can also be used for packaging or repaired by labels.

Tamper Evident Labels
Different from void polyester labels, tamper evident labels are made from vinyl and cannot be removed in on piece, rather it will split into many pieces making it evident that the piece was tampered with.
Tamper evident labels are popular in the food industry for packaging so that consumers can spot that an item has been tampered with, but they also have applications for packaging, warranty stickers and company assets.

Self-Voiding Security Labels
Tagging an asset used to involve fixing a metal tag to a piece of equipment with the company details engraved on, but as technology and printing methods have grown we are now able to offer self-voiding security labels, making it much easier to tag your company assets.

The main advantage of our self-voiding labels is that they can be applied to any surface without the need to drill any holes or punch any rivets. Self-voiding security labels can be customised to your specifications and when the seal is removed it cannot be resealed.

If you would like to know more about our security labels and how we can help, call our experienced team on 01293 551520 or fill out our online enquiry form for a free quote.

Climate labelling scheme for restaurant menus gains financial support in Sweden

CarbonCloud, a service dedicated to helping the global food industry to lower its carbon footprint has been given a start-up grant by the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre. The grant will allow CarbonCloud to continue to develop its web based service CarbonAte, which helps restaurant managers and chefs to develop and endorse climate smart dishes.

The website calculates the environmental impact of every food ingredient in a given dish, producing a climate label that can then be added onto restaurant menus to give consumers a clear climate calculation for dishes.

A representative from the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Group said that the CarbonAte system had ‘fantastic potential’ adding, “It is an innovation in which digitalisation and sustainability go hand in hand, and which creates an aid which benefits the environment and restaurants, as well as individual guests and visitors.”

Talking about CarbonAte, CEO of CarbonCloud David Bryngelsson said, “Our climate labelling service makes things clearer for both chefs and restaurant guests, and has been received with real enthusiasm.”

In March this year, CarbonAte began working closely with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), which also launched its One Planet Plate scheme recently and aims to work with restaurants to put sustainability first when it comes to the dishes on their menus. This collaboration has meant the continued development of the Food Calculator, which will allow individuals to calculate the environmental impact of certain ingredients.

Would seeing climate labels on menus make you think twice about the food you eat at restaurants? Answer in the comments below.