The benefits of weather-proof barcode labels

If you need barcode labels for goods, equipment or merchandise that requires storage in non-standard environments, you may need to track down labels that are specially designed to be durable.

Durable labels are now available that can withstand:

• Extreme heat and cold
• Outdoor environments, wind, rain and sleet
• Exposure to mild to moderately hazardous chemicals
• Abrasion or other risks of surface damage

These labels are designed to remain intact and perfectly functional even in these extreme conditions. This means you can read them, scan them and easily see them even if they have been outdoors or in a hot, damp environment for months. Some are over-laminated or coated with other protective substances, whilst some are made from super-durable vinyl.

Depending on exactly what you need them for, you can find durable barcode labels that can withstand temperatures as low as -40˚C and as high as +150˚C.

With standard labels in these environments, you will spend so much time, effort and money replacing them when they fade or disintegrate. There is also the risk that mistakes will be made during inventory checks or stock takes, which could lead to more problems later on.

Loaning out equipment? Use asset labels to keep track of everything

Asset labels, also known as asset tags, are commonly used by companies wanting to keep track of all their assets. Whether it is valuable equipment and tools, computer equipment or simply desks and chairs, asset tagging items gives business owners a quick and easy way to mark their property.

However, asset tags also have another very important use. If your company regularly loans out tools, equipment or other items to other firms or organisations, or even individuals, you may be looking for a better way to keep track of everything.

By attaching asset tags to every piece of equipment you loan out, you can track when it leaves and when it returns. This helps you to plan your loan schedule, as well as helping to determine when items are due back in and when they have been returned late.

Some asset labels have another feature – a tamper-proof structure. If you are unlucky enough to lend out items to an unscrupulous firm or individual who decides they don’t want to return the item, it will not be possible for them to do so undetected. Not only will you know that the item hasn’t been returned, and who has got it, but the labels attached to it will split into noticeable pieces when someone tries to remove them. This makes it instantly clear that tampering has taken place.

Make inventory management quicker and easier with barcode labels

As any company with a large inventory of stock, equipment, merchandise or other goods knows, accurately keeping track of everything can be a difficult and time-consuming process. When stock take time comes around, the process ends up taking hours or even days to complete.

There is a way you can make things much easier for yourself as a business owner, and for the members of staff you appoint to complete your inventory check. The solution is barcode labels, which can be stuck to all items – or even pallets and containers to save time – and simply scanned when it’s time to do the stock take.

Using barcode labels in this way can save you a huge amount of time and effort and it can also improve efficiency and accuracy, whilst reducing the risk of human error. By eliminating mistakes, you may even find that the business as a whole runs much more smoothly.

As well as helping you to streamline the inventory check process, barcode labels can also help you track what’s coming in and out of your warehouse or stock room on a day-to-day basis. You will always be informed and up-to-date on your stock situation, so you can manage your business more efficiently.

Barcode labels for all environments

Retail barcode labels do not generally need to be made of tougher materials, as they are only ever exposed to temperate environments.

However, barcode labels are also needed for businesses which have goods and equipment stored in extreme hot or cold environments, outdoors for a large part of the year or close to chemicals and other hazardous substances. What is the solution for these businesses?

Thankfully, durable labels have been developed in the last few years. These labels are tough enough to withstand all kinds of environments, without peeling, fading or otherwise disintegrating.

As well as being made from specially designed materials, some types of these durable labels are over-laminated in order to protect the label information from heat, cold or weather (i.e. rain, ice, sleet), whilst others are attached to goods or equipment using super-strong adhesive. This adhesive, whilst still allowing the label to be adhered to virtually any surface, is permanent and will not come off for a guaranteed period of time.

What’s more, some durable label suppliers allow you to order custom labels that can be tailored to your exact specifications. This can be useful if you need particular sizes, shapes or designs of durable label creating.

Minimise the risk of mistakes with asset tags and barcode labels

When it comes to completing a stock take, inventory check or any other type of asset management, the risk of human error occurring is ever-present.

Mistakes can be made either because records or lost, handwriting is illegible or the person in charge of the inventory check miscounts an item or two. This in turn can affect records and the operational productivity of the business, but most damaging is the effect this can have on customers. If goods can’t be effectively counted, recorded and tracked, your company will have no way to answer customer queries or complaints as to where their order has got to.

If you attach barcode labels to all of your merchandise and stock, however, you can drastically minimise the risk of human error occurring. Each and every item can be accounted for with the swipe of a barcode scanner, and this information is automatically stored in your company’s computer system. This not only makes stock takes and inventory checks much more accurate; it also makes them much quicker and easier to complete, leaving your staff to get on with more important tasks.

You can use asset tags in a similar way, to label and keep track of all of your company’s possessions, tools and equipment.

Custom labels – what are your options?

There are many different types of barcode labels and asset tags available, in a range of different materials, sizes and styles. Some are more hardwearing and durable, whilst others have tamper-proof qualities.

All of these options mean that business owners can usually find something to suit their needs. However, if you have more specific needs in terms of barcode labels and asset tags, you may want to go for a more customised solution.

Certain data label companies offer you the chance to order custom labels that can be made to your exact specifications. Whether you want non-standard labels for practical reasons (such as to withstand hot or cold environments, direct sunlight or exposure to chemicals) or for aesthetic or brand image reasons, there is always a way to get exactly what you want.

So, what options can you choose with custom labels?

Commonly, business owners ordering custom labels choose their own specifications for the following:

• Size and shape (i.e. square, rectangular, circular etc.)
• Material (i.e. vinyl, paper, anodised aluminium, polyester etc.)
• Adhesive (i.e. peelable, permanent, extra-permanent)
• Design – add your own logo and business details

Barcode labels for documents

Most business owners use barcode labels to keep track of goods and merchandise, but they can also be used to improve administration processes.

Barcode labels can be easily attached to documents, forms and other types of paperwork so that these items can be quickly scanned and recorded.

This can be useful in a variety of situations, such as:

In folders and filing systems, helping to save time when recording and filing documents and speed up searches. You can simply scan the barcode to view the contents of the folder; there is no need to search through it by hand. This is particularly useful for large filing systems and archives which have many sub-categories.

When making deliveries, as receipts and delivery notes can be scanned by the driver in an instant before heading to the next destination. Using this method, exact delivery times can be tracked and recorded.

On important forms and documents, such as those to be sent to government departments or papers which must be sent by a specific date. Barcode labels can help you to prioritise forms and documents, so you can ensure they are sent and received at the right time.

Finding durable labels for high temperature environments

Whilst a lot of business owners find barcode labels useful for keeping track of retail goods, warehouse items and even documents, other companies use them to meet more specific needs.

If you need barcode labels that can withstand high temperatures, exposure to minor chemicals or outdoor environments, you need to opt for durable labels. Where other labels will disintegrate, fade or peel off, these durable labels are specially designed to last.

There are two main types of durable labels available – durable vinyl labels and over-laminated premium polyester labels. The first variety is ideal for a wide range of heavy-duty applications, and can withstand temperatures of between -30˚C and +80˚C. The adhesive used to apply the labels is permanent, and they can be adhered to a wide range of different surfaces.

The second type, over-laminated premium polyester labels, offer heavy-duty protection and have a much wider temperature range. They can withstand exceptional temperatures, from -40˚C to +150˚C, and they generally last at least 5 years.

So, if your business has specialist needs when it comes to barcode labels, make sure you always go for ones that are specially designed to be durable.

A few tips for speeding up stock take

If you are responsible for conducting the stock take or inventory process in your business, you are likely aware of how exhausting, time-consuming, and challenging it can be. However, with a few strategic tips, you can streamline the process significantly. Here are some expert recommendations to help you speed up your stock take:

Preparation is Key

  • Plan Ahead: Determine which areas and materials should be included in the stock take. Prioritize areas and items to ensure a systematic approach.
  • Identify Challenges: Recognize items that are more difficult to count, such as tiny components or hazardous materials. Develop strategies to handle these challenges effectively.
  • Establish Contacts: Identify key personnel to contact if any issues arise during the stock take. This ensures quick resolution of any problems and keeps the process running smoothly.
  • Update Records: Ensure all records are current and well-organized before starting the stock take. This minimizes discrepancies and facilitates a smoother process.

Using Barcode Labels to Enhance Efficiency

One of the most effective methods to improve and expedite the inventory process is the implementation of barcode labels. Here’s how barcode labels can revolutionize your stock take:

  • Quick Identification: Barcode labels allow for the quick and accurate identification of all goods. By labeling each item with a barcode, you can significantly reduce the time spent manually recording inventory.
  • Use Barcode Scanners: With barcode labels in place, a barcode scanner can swiftly read the information, making the inventory process faster and more efficient. This reduces human error and enhances accuracy.
  • Durable Solutions: For hazardous materials or storage areas where temperature control is crucial, durable barcode labels are available. These labels withstand harsh conditions, ensuring longevity and reliability.

Implementing Barcode Labels: Best Practices

  • Comprehensive Labeling: Ensure all items, including small and hazardous ones, are properly labeled with durable barcode labels.
  • Regular Updates: Keep your inventory records updated and regularly verify the accuracy of your barcode labels.
  • Training Staff: Train your staff on the proper use of barcode scanners and the importance of accurate labeling.


By preparing adequately, addressing potential challenges, and leveraging the power of barcode labels, you can transform the stock take process from a daunting task into a streamlined operation. The use of barcode labels not only saves time but also improves accuracy and efficiency, making inventory management significantly easier. For expert advice on implementing barcode solutions tailored to your business needs, feel free to contact us.

Updated 03/06/2024

More efficient business management with barcode labels and asset tags

If you’re like every other business manager in the UK, you are likely to want to keep on top of every single aspect of your business. It used to be impossible to do this, but now new technology is around to give you a helping hand.

Barcode labels and asset tags are proving to be very valuable to business managers, especially in firms which have warehouses full of stock, merchandise, tools or equipment.

Barcode labels allow you to accurately keep track of your goods from your warehouse to the delivery destination. This makes spotting missing items and stolen goods much quicker and easier, and it also cuts out a huge amount of time in the inventory process.

One final benefit is that you can respond to complaints and problems with customers, clients and suppliers much more quickly, as you will have all the relevant information to hand.

Asset tags (also known as asset labels) are also very useful for business managers, as they allow you to keep tabs on all company property. This can come in very handy when loaning tools and equipment out, as well as when moving offices and other work premises.