Barcodes – the key to operational transformation

Barcodes represent product related data, and this data can be read by a special scanner. The data is represented in lines and the spacing of these parallel lines.

Here are a few benefits offered by them:

Barcodes raise operational efficiency

Barcode labels allow fast and accurate recording of information. This saves time and enables you to respond quickly to customers or clients.


Inventory control is simplified via the use of barcodes. Barcodes make it simpler to record inventory turnover, thus saving a considerable amount of time

Elimination of errors

Barcodes record information with accuracy and make tracking more efficient. They can eliminate clerical errors almost completely.

Cost efficiency

Barcodes can be used to target specific data problems- reducing errors and saving cost

Agency regulations and requirements

Product quality regulating agencies may impose labeling restrictions, and these compulsory rules may be a necessary aspect of carrying out business. Time can be saved by utilising barcodes within internal organisational processes.

Barcodes also offer several other benefits, and just a few weeks after their application, you will notice just how much they can enhance productivity within the workplace.

Barcode labels – use them for effective data management

Barcode labels are now popularly used for asset tracking and data management. They have also replaced the traditional method of pricing products manually. A barcode comprises of a continuous series of black stripes and white spaces of different widths. This barcode is usually printed onto products to uniquely identify them.

As many symbols are included in the coding, they can only be properly read and interpreted using a barcode scanner and computer software. Barcode labels are used in different applications for quick billing, precise calculations and for maintaining a record of inventory.

The barcode labels can be created to cater to your needs. For instance, you can add your company name, logo or any other information on these labels. While getting barcodes printed, it is important to choose the right material. This will depend on the environmental conditions of the place where you will be storing and displaying your inventory.

Regardless of the material used, barcode labels will increase accuracy and efficiency within your workplace.

Barcode labels also provide users with an economic and effective way of enhancing the overall speed of operation, and are therefore essential in many modern businesses.

Three major benefits of using asset labels

Asset labels are one of the many accessories that ensure your office items are labelled appropriately. These labels can also be used along with barcode labels coupled with asset management software. Therefore, you can maintain a detailed record of your office related accessories.

Label important office accessories

As mentioned, asset labels are used to tag office related accessories. Laptops, expensive stationary and other valuable office related items can also be labelled along with protective clothing like helmets, safety goggles and gloves. Mentioned below are some of the benefits of using asset labelling:

1. Deters thieves

An ID or security label can deter thieves. And reports suggest that stolen goods can be recovered at a much faster rate if you use asset labels.

2. Retrieve items easily

Asset labels also help consumers to retrieve important accessories with ease. A detailed labelling system will help employees locate important items whenever required. This saves employee time, which is otherwise spent on locating these valuable items. Thus, managing and locating items with ease is a huge benefit of using asset labels.

3. Proof of ownership

Several insurance firms ask for a proof of ownership before allocating insurance cover. Asset labels are considered as proof of ownership and help the firms to cover their items without any hassle.
The above mentioned business benefits have contributed to the increasing use of asset labels.

Security labels used in the retail industry

Retailers tend to lose merchandise to the tune of billions of pounds due to theft and shoplifting. However, technology can come to their aid in the fight against theft. Security tags which incorporate sensors are weapons which many retailers swear by. These security tags have sensors that trigger an alert when someone tries to remove the item from a store without paying.

Features of the retail security label

Security labels are one of the main components of the EAS, which stands for electronic article surveillance. This system helps in combating and deterring theft. These security labels come in a variety of sizes. They can be hard tags with sensors, magnetic and ink tags. Soft tags include stickers and security labels which are fixed to the merchandise.

The other security component is the deactivator or the detacher. These are devices that are used to turn off or remove the security label and tags. Another retail security device is the detector. These detectors sound an alarm when an active security label or tag is moved from the protected area.

Security labels really are vital within the retail industry today.

How security labels can help to prevent laptop theft

Laptops for some time now have been widely targeted by thieves. Laptops can be easily stolen because of their size and portability. The market for reselling laptops is also big. But due to technology advancements, measures to safeguard laptops have received a big boost. This boost comes in the form of security labels. Using security labels, an individual can mark the laptop with owner information, making the resale of the stolen laptop more difficult.

Security labels in protecting laptops

Security labels are some of the easiest ways through which a person can add user identity to a laptop computer. The security labels are usually made from plastic or metal. They are glued to the laptop using a strong adhesive which hinders theft.

Security labels in combination with etching

Permanent ink marking is often used along with security labels to safeguard a laptop from theft and reselling. Laser etching can also be used to mark the laptop with owner information. However, laser etching is much more expensive than investing in security labels.

Barcode labels – different types and uses

Barcode labels can help you to organise your assets efficiently and protect them against theft. Different types of high quality labels are now available to suit different needs.

Benefits of using barcode labels

Barcode labels offer a simple way of distinguishing your items amongst others. Each barcode label has black and white bars, which uniquely identify items. Barcode labels are economical and less prone to errors compared to manual asset tracking methods.

A good barcode reader can easily scan thousands of bar-coded items within just a few minutes. This greatly helps in saving time and also minimises inventory management problems. With greater control over inventory items and assets, businesses can easily improve the profitability of their organisation. Moreover, they can even streamline the entire asset tracking process with ease.

Design a barcode of your own

Unlike in the past, today you can even customise barcode labels with the name and logo of your company. You can even choose the colour and size of the barcode labels. Depending on your budget and needs, you can choose from void, tamper-evident or polyester labels.

If you want to ease the process of inventory management and asset tracking, you should consider using barcode labels.

Asset tags for identifying your assets

Asset tags are usually used by institutions and businesses for property identification. Determining and maintaining assets is essential for every business due to the investment involved in buying them. Asset tagging can also help to prevent loss of assets due to theft.

Using asset tags is like putting a mark of ownership on your assets. Using asset tags at places like shops and warehouses can be very helpful for asset and inventory management.

When moving inventory items from one location to another, there is always a chance of loss or misplacement. This is when having property identification labels is helpful. As different types of property identification labels are available for indoor and outdoor use, you must ensure that choose the right one for your needs

Some benefits of using property identification labels

Using asset labels, you can easily track and distinguish your assets among other products, they also allow you to efficiently track the model or serial number of your products. With the use of these property identification labels, the task of inventory management can be significantly simplified.

Due to all of these reasons, you should definitely look into using asset tags in your inventory management.

What are the benefits of using custom labels?

Are you looking for ways to change your product identity? Are you looking to get a competitive edge? If yes, then you can now accomplish these results with custom labels. Well-designed custom labels can attract the attention of consumers and business prospects.

Mentioned below are some ways how custom labels can help your business:

1. Create an identity

Businesses can create an identity with the use of these labels. Customers can thus identify similar products or products from the same category with the help of custom labels.

2. Variety

Custom labels are also available in many different varieties. Businesses can also alter the shape and size of these labels as per their requirements. Similarly, other dimensions such as colour and pattern can also be altered. Mentioned below are some of the different types of custom labels.

• Custom printed labels
• Personalised labels
• Custom decals

3. Provide Information

Custom labels can also be used to carry important information about products. For instance, companies or manufacturers can provide extensive information related to ingredients used. Similarly, they can include manufacturing and expiry details along with warnings.

4. Cost-Efficient

Custom labels can be ordered in bulk, which means that they are very affordable and even small firms can afford to invest in them. Moreover, the benefits of using these labels far outweigh the costs.

Barcode labels – a smart option for any type of business

Today many businesses are making huge changes in their style of operations and management to keep up with changing trends. Barcode labels are one such product which have now taken over many traditional and manual types of product identification.

Advantages of Barcode Labels

The retail industry has embraced barcode labels as it helps in saving a lot of time and makes selling and products an easy process. The information and the price of the product are stored in the barcode label in the form of lines of differing thicknesses. Nowadays, these labels are used extensively all over the world.

Types of Barcode Labels

Whilst they may look very similar, barcode labels come in many different types. They are classified based on the base material on which they are inked. The base substance is known as stock. The three main types of barcodes are aluminium labels, ceramic labels and polyester labels. These can be customised and are available in various sizes. The adhesive backing can also vary.

Special software makes the symbols that one sees on a barcode label. The software forms and designs the black strips found on the barcode, and every one is unique.

Barcode labels are important in distribution, tracking inventory and work in process manufacturing. They are ideal because of the accuracy, consistency, speed and economy which they provide to the manufacturer.

Track your valuable assets using asset tags

Asset tags are important tools designed to help businesses to easily keep track of their valuable and expensive assets.

As high quality asset tags can now be obtained at an affordable cost, most businesses are now considering using them. Besides asset tags, you can also get asset labels, property ID tags, inventory asset tags and barcode asset labels to suit your needs.

Who should consider using asset tags?

Asset tags can be used by everyone who wants to track their assets and keep an accurate inventory. For example, companies, hospitals, schools, institutions, manufacturing plants and government organisations are some places where using asset tags can be helpful.

Benefits of using asset tags

Asset tags offer numerous benefits to businesses, the main advantage being asset tracking. This also means that asset tags are perfect for those products and assets that can easily be stolen, such as mobile phones, electronic equipment, machinery and other tools. Using asset tags, you can minimise the risk of theft and therefore avoid all unnecessary expenses.

Asset tags are available in different sizes, patterns and materials. Furthermore, you can even arrange for them to be specially designed with your company name, logo and other details printed on them. This will help you distinguish your assets from other similar products.