
How to design packaging that stands out from the crowd

Packaging is the perfect blend of form and function; it not only protects the contents from damage and tells the customers about the product, but it’s also a powerful tool for advertising your brand. In its essence packaging should inform consumers of the product benefits while making it attractive, especially in today’s competitive environment. Packaging […]

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Mars leaves ENL nutrition labelling initiative because of lack of widespread support

Food giant Mars has pulled out of the Evolved Nutrition Labelling (ENL) enterprise, citing a lack of widespread support and lack of credibility and consensus as the main reasons. The company is now calling for an EU wide labelling system for food. The ENL initiative was unveiled last year and in similar to the traffic […]

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Should alcohol have mandatory health information on labels?

The Royal Society for Public Health which is dedicated to the public’s health and wellbeing is calling for a change in the way alcoholic drinks are labelled. The RSPH claims that there is an “awareness vacuum” on how alcohol affects health and wants to see alcohol producers include the government’s guideline of no more than […]

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Personalising Your Wedding Favours

Wedding favours have become a common tradition, just like the first dance, wedding speeches and drunk guests, and are a great way to treat your guests and show them that you really appreciate their support. In the build up to a wedding there is so much to think about that wedding favours can become an […]

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Britain’s obesity crisis – could Brexit be the key to rethinking food labelling?

Traffic light labelling on food, we’ve all seen them when we go shopping, but did you know that it is not mandatory for producers to use this system on their packaging and that only two-thirds of products on our supermarket shelves currently carry this kind of nutritional information. According to the Local Government Association this […]

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Creating effective designs for your labels

Whether you are looking at designing labels for commercial products, wedding favours or handmade products it is important to get every detail right, not just because of the branding or marketing efforts, but to avoid revisions and reprints that could become expensive. Here, we will discuss some helpful tips to consider when designing your next […]

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The impact of technology in education

Technology is forever expanding, from the way we communicate to everyday work ethics and skills. It makes an impact across education, proving to be an invaluable resource in schools for student’s learning development. Pupils now have the ability to produce progressive results by using online research as well as the latest software programs and tools, […]

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Reasons you should consider stickers as a marketing tool

Technology now allows brands to advertise and increase exposure at the touch of a button, but for decades stickers have been and still are an effective marketing tool that companies use to promote their brands and products. Here we will guide you through why you should look at stickers as a powerful and low cost […]

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