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Securing valuables assets with barcode labels

Ensuring that your valuable business assets are securely marked is a vital part of any well-run business, particularly when you consider that in some cases the value of these assets can amount to many thousands of pounds.

These security labels can be made from a wide range of different materials; also they are usually supplied with a powerful adhesive backing which makes them easier to be applied on any surface, but very difficult to remove. Using these specialist materials and adhesive ensures that should anyone try to remove the label, the barcode labels will break into smaller pieces to show that tampering has occurred.

Peel and reveal labels

Peel and reveal labels offer businesses the ability to put extra information onto their product, in effect a lot more printed words on the same space as a standard label. This is not only important but very timely as major label law changes in the food and chemical industries came into effect in December of last year.

Low and high temperature labels

Retailers do not live in a perfect world they have to ensure that the products which they are selling always remain pristine and in tip-top condition, irrespective of the temperatures that they may encounter during transit or storage and display.

Perhaps the most difficult situation has to be products that are designed for the deep freeze; the label always has to remain firmly attached to the product and also to be just as readable as it was when attached to the goods.

Warehousing labels, the easy way to identify items

A well-run warehouse is the heart of a well-run business and unless items can be found quickly and easily, valuable company time can be needlessly spent trying to find an item for a customer, or to re-stock shelves. Some of the types of warehouse labels are illustrated here and much will depend upon the type of warehousing situation which is relevant for your particular business.

The retail industry and lost £billions

If there was one area of business which could claim to be the king of lost £billions, it has to be the retail industry, supermarkets, clothing, electrical, it is not confined to a single sector. Shoplifting is an area that retailers have struggled with since people set up stalls to sell merchandise. Many ways have been tried to combat this theft, some quite effective, others not so. However, one which many retailers swear by is the security tags which have sensors that trigger an alert when someone tries to remove an item from a store without paying.

Some uses for our vinyl stickers

Our vinyl stickers have been used on a multitude of items, for example, we have supplied them for wine bottles and as security labels, increasingly they are seen on pharmaceutical products, many items of food packaging including freezer packs where they have to endure extremely low temperatures of minus 20 centigrade.

Utilising barcodes on asset labels

Assets are by and large numbered in most commercial or industrial premises in order that the company can keep a track of the asset. However, there are a few other methods that can be used instead of numbering to increase business efficiency when stocktaking and equipment tracking.

The traditional and at the time the best way of keeping a record of the items that your business owned was to number all of these and keep an asset register so that each asset could be tracked. However, with advances in technology, this simple numbering process has now moved into the 21st century.

Your options for custom labels

Usually, we can meet the needs of a business wanting a label from our huge range of standard sizes and shapes. From our stock labels, we can offer many different types of barcode labels and asset tags available, in a range of different materials, sizes and styles. These can be hard-wearing or durable, an asset label can be made to expose attempts to tamper with them. Practically this means that in most cases we can usually find something to suit their needs.

About Vinyl Stickers and some of their uses

Vinyl stickers are being used increasingly in both the retail sector as well as the pharmaceutical industry, a sector that is now very reliant on them. Just looking along a supermarket shelf or in a pharmacy and you will see just how they have come to rely upon them to describe the contents or to communicate other information such as instructions for use of the product and these are fitted to the package or jar.