Definition of a label

It’s interesting to listen to a person when they are asked what the definition of a label is; the answers usually take the form of something that is stuck to a bottle. Well of course it very often is, but it is much more than that of course.

Strictly speaking a “product label” is a general term used to refer to printed information fixed to a product, this can be typically a retail product, but many others of course, which is communicated from the manufacturer to consumers or other users. Okay true but, the primary purpose of a product label is to identify type, size, brand, product line, manufacturer and other product-specific information including content and instructions for usage and storage, in other words customer information.

Food items require more information and often regulation, this has to refer to nutritional information basic nutritional information and a list of ingredients must appear on the packaging. Additional regulations exist for the product labels on medicines and pharmaceuticals.  Here and in other countries, information about active and inactive ingredients, concentrations of active ingredients warnings concerning the medication is a legal requirement for most products.

Laws governing the use of product labels in this country, and the information printed on them, are typically dependent on the type of product.  It is illegal to make false or unsubstantiated claims on a label intended to mislead a customer, these requirements can vary from country to country.

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