Asset Tags Archive

Using barcode labels to aid inventory management

Many people don’t have a handle on what inventory items they have in stock and what items are needed to boost stock levels. Managing your inventory items is however very important, as effective control of all the items you have on site can improve business efficiencies and hence improve business performance.

If you use barcode labels or asset tags you can make a real difference to how your business operates. Using these simple tracking devices you can determine your stock levels instantly and can keep track of all items you may have in your possession.

Three benefits of using asset labels

Asset labels are a useful business item identification tool. In their most basic form they are basically a numbered label, which can be affixed to any number of assets or equipment. However, when used with asset management software they can become an invaluable tool which should be used by any business operation.

Labelling items
Asset labels can be used to label many items in your workplace, including:

• Protective equipment
• Computer equipment
• Uniforms
• Stationery supplies

Using asset tags to create an asset register

Companies across the UK invest a lot of money into the assets they own. And there is thus a great need to make sure they are protected so that missing assets can be claimed for. Many companies don’t realise the amount of money they have tied up in their assets and it’s only when multiple assets are lost or stolen they realise the importance of having some sort of asset register.

Using asset tags

Use asset tags to safeguard your assets

Using asset labels is the most common way of identifying any assets a business may own. They are in fact the best method of identifying assets in industrial and commercial settings.

Most asset tags have an adhesive backing, which is used to affix the asset label to the item. This adhesive backing is available in a variety of different strengths, so if needed the label can be fixed to the asset securely reducing the chances of theft. Some labels are also made out of metal, so they are extremely durable and the perfect solution in industrial settings.

Why using asset tags can help your business

Many companies are now realising the importance of accounting for every asset they own. And the best way that they can do this is by fixing asset tags on these items so that they can be checked easily when monitoring inventory or stock levels.

Why use asset tags?

Assets tags can be used by just about every type of business, from multi-national conglomerates to SMEs. These tags are fitted to each and every item a business owns and the information about the items recorded on a database.

Protect your business assets

During the current economic climate it’s important for every business to protect itself from worst case scenarios. And many businesses do this be accurately keeping track of all the assets they own.

Asset tags can do things such as protect your valuable items from theft or loss. They can also help you keep track of where these items are so you can keep an up-to-date inventory of all the items you own.

Tracking items made easy

Use custom labels to boost your company branding

Many companies are now striving to find some way of gaining a competitive edge in the market. This might be by offering reduced prices or by introducing a loyalty scheme. However while both these schemes can work well, they may cause financial problems, as customers will continue to want the discounts they were initially given.

Some information about asset labels

Many companies are feeling the financial squeeze and are looking for ways to streamline processes and make monetary savings. If this is you, might not have thought about asset labels.

If you fix asset labels on all your company equipment, you can not only track your assets, you can also make the savings you are looking for.

What are asset labels?

Three types of asset labels

There are many different types of asset labels available for use in different applications. These can be affixed to a host of different assets and come with their own specific features, which makes them suitable for use in these applications.

Vinyl asset labels

Vinyl asset labels are a step up from standard paper asset labels. The adhesive used on these labels forms a strong bond with most surfaces, so the labels can be secured to the asset. When the glue hardens on these labels the labels are practically impossible to move.

Three reasons to use an asset management system

Implementing an asset management system can bring huge benefits to your business operations. Not only does asset tagging and asset management reduce the chances of human error it also increases accuracy.

Accurate data integrity

If you implement an asset management system which uses barcode technology, you can be sure that the data you collate is highly accurate, as human error will be negligible. Because the data on the barcode is read by a barcode scanner, the data does not have to be interpolated manually thus reducing time and increasing accuracy of results.