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Save money and time using asset labels

Asset labels are an excellent way of keeping track of everything a company owns. Companies across the UK are trying to make financial adjustments which will help them make savings across the board. And one of the ways they can do this is by completing an inventory of every item they own so that claims can be made for missing items and so that items aren’t duplicated.

Ten benefits asset labels bring to your company

It’s easy to see why asset labels have become so important in the business sphere. They are now used by many businesses across the UK, alongside dedicated asset management software, to provide identification and tracking benefits. Some of the main benefits of using asset labels are listed below.

o Auditing of all equipment becomes easy when asset labels are affixed

o Lost or misplaced items are usually returned to their owner if they have a label attached

Moving office is made easy when you use asset tags

If you have implemented an asset tagging system at your company you’ll be amazed how the logistical challenges of moving equipment between departments or even moving an entire office can be overcome.

If you have asset tags attached to all your equipment they’ll come in really handy when you are moving office. If equipment such as computers, monitors, furniture, water coolers and even documentation is all properly labelled, your assets will be protected and you’ll be able to relocate them easily.

The three benefits to a business of using asset labels

Office items need to be easily identified for numerous purposes, and to do this asset labels are perfectly placed in the market.

When asset labels are used with dedicated asset management software, keeping track of all the items you own becomes easy and a detailed itinerary is made possible.

Asset labels can be used to mark a range of different office items including laptop computers, tools, printers, scanners and even the office kettle or toaster.

Safeguard your things using asset tags

Safeguarding property is made easy if you use asset tags. Asset tags are a must have for any new company, they represent a way that all the items you own can be traced or tracked, thus safeguarding your belongings.

Asset tags are usually an adhesive label which might feature a number or barcode and have an adhesive backing. Using the adhesive, the tag can be stuck to just about any item you own, reducing the chances of opportunistic theft and providing a visual deterrent.

Why does your business need asset labels?

You’ve most likely already heard of asset labels. Asset labels are becoming more common all the time as businesses try to keep track of the items they own. They are now widely used across the UK by many companies, large and small. Some of the reasons a company might use asset labels include:

Identifying office items

Asset labels help protect homeowner’s property

Latest police figures published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) have revealed that thefts from homes actually increased during 2010 and 2011. In response, online company has advised that homeowner’s property can be protected if the items have asset labels fixed to them.

Figures by insurance company Aviva, which were published in March, show that thefts from gardens and outbuildings rise during the summer months. And in response to this say that using asset tags or asset labels could be the perfect deterrent.

How to reduce human error

We all make mistakes. It doesn’t matter if we are the head of a global business or a trainee clerk, from time to time we’ll do something wrong. It might be that it’s an error with some financial figures or even sending an email to the wrong person, when we make a mistake we just hold our hands up and say sorry. However, if you are conducting a stock take and need accurate inventory figures mistakes can be time consuming and costly, so how can we minimise these?

Types of asset tags and fixing requirements

It’s easy to keep a track of all your business assets when you use asset tags. Asset tags can be used to identify everything you own, right from your laptop computer to the large manufacturing machine you have in the production suite at your manufacturing plant.

It’s important to know that some asset tags are manufactured specifically so that they cannot be tampered with. Or if they are tampered with the owner of the equipment can know easily that this has happened.

Improve business productivity

Your business productivity can be greatly enhanced when you use asset labels. Asset labels are perfect for those businesses which are struggling to cope in the difficult economic climate, as they can streamline operations by adopting an efficient way of identifying all the goods or items which they own.