Asset Tags Archive

The numerous advantages of asset labels

Asset labels are commonly fixed onto a company’s expensive equipment so that the equipment can be tracked. These tags are used with asset management software so a comprehensive database of all the company’s items can be kept up to date.

Equipment which can benefit from asset tagging technology includes computers, tools, portable machinery and electronic goods. There are a range of benefits a company can gain from using asset tags, some of these include:

How to make the most of asset labels during your company stock take

A stock take may need to be performed for your business to determine current asset or stock levels, the value of current stock and indeed any discrepancies. Whilst stock taking is undoubtedly an extremely useful process for your business, it can be a time consuming exercise. Either as an annual, intermittent or ongoing process, a stock take can be costly to the business, primarily due to the hours it can take to complete.

Use asset labels to improve business productivity

The difficult economic climate has meant that many businesses are looking for new ways to promote their brand and make their mark in a difficult selling environment. Some businesses might be looking to streamline operations and cut down on business expenses. And a simple way they can do all of these things is to adopt an accurate and efficient way of identifying all the goods or items that they own.

Where to affix asset labels

Keeping track of business assets is made easy when you use asset tags. Asset tags not only help identify every item your business owns, they also combat theft and help to reduce the number of items that may go missing or be misplaced.

Some asset tags are manufactured in such a way that they cannot be removed or tampered with without the owner of the equipment knowing this has happened.

The many available types of asset tags

Asset tags are used for the identification and tracking of valuable equipment which may belong to a business operation. Asset tags are usually affixed with plastic ties or are affixed to an item using an adhesive material.

Asset tags are available in many different types, so it’s important that you choose the right one for your type of business. Some different types of asset tags are described below.

Void asset tags

How barcodes can boost profits and productivity

Generally, the advantages of using barcodes and scanners include maintaining the accuracy of your records and saving time. Scanners can instantly read and transmit information, avoiding the need for manual data entry that can results in errors.

Barcodes can be used for certain specific applications that can boost both the profits and productivity of a business:

Making inventory control easy using asset tags and barcode labels

One of the most important functions of any business is to make sure that their inventory records are up to date. Any businesses which deals in the selling or receiving of goods needs to keep track of the whereabouts of these goods and use the figures they have to further their business potential.

Inventory control can be very challenging. Some ways in which asset tags and barcode labels can help with inventory control are as follows:

Inventory tracking made easy using asset tags

If you have to deal with a large number of products or assets you may benefit from using asset tag technology. If you use asset tags, you can keep an inventory of all your goods which would otherwise take a great deal of human effort.

There are many reasons why you might want to tag your goods, with some wanting to make stock taking easy whereas others simply want to keep a register of all the assets they own.

Five more reasons to use asset tags

Keeping track of items is essential for every company in the UK. However, many people fail to understand the importance of doing this. If you use asset tags on each and every item that you own you can keep a track of these items while at the same time saving your business money and time.

Some of the advantages of using asset tags include:

Proof of ownership

Five reasons to use asset tags

Tagging of all the items that you own is a good idea when you have to keep a close check on your financials. Tags can be attached to each and every item and a database of all these items kept so that stock and inventory levels can be looked at whenever needed. There are in fact countless advantages to using asset tags in your business.

Some of these advantages include:

Tracking items