Asset labels are the best tools for tracking and identifying your stock

Tracking the condition, location and status of fixed assets is one of the major challenges faced by most organisations. This is when using asset labels is recommended as it is one of the easiest ways of identifying and recording valuable equipment.

Asset tags are labels that can be made from different materials such as polyester, vinyl, paper and other tamper evident materials. They come in different styles and adhesives ranging from temporary to permanent. Asset tags can also be personalised with sequential numbering or branding, such as a logo and name before being applied on the equipment.

Labeling all valuable assets will discourage fraud, theft and asset misappropriation as well. Most asset labels come with universal adhesive to bond well with the surface. When the label is removed, evidence is left behind on the surface, such as a ‘VOID’ message. The label itself also shows evidence of tampering.

Vinyl asset labels

Vinyl is an economical and durable material for identification and asset labels. With a strong adhesive, vinyl asset labels can easily be applied on an extensive range of surfaces. To protect the printed image matter on these asset labels, a clear laminating foil is applied. This also protects the asset label against solvents and abrasions.

Asset labels are perfect to use at places like warehouses, retail stores, shopping malls, etc where thousands of products and equipment are required to be tracked. For security purposes, asset tags can also include a barcode. This is a unique and effective way of tracking inventory items in the best possible way.

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